This May I traveled (road-trip) to the State of Georgia, Yes the Peach State. I live in Miramar, Florida and in case you do not know Florida is a neighboring State to Georgia; However, where I live to where I visited is 688 miles away and that’s about a 12 hour ride and could be less depending on circumstances. Today I will be telling you about my adventures on this journey.
We took the Interstate-95 (I-95) route to avoid tolls, I-95 took us all the way into GA until we got to Savannah were we veered off to another route that would take us to our destination. We were on our way to a wedding. The lucky couple lives in Canton, GA.
Canton is a quiet city with a population of about 30,000 people located in Cherokee County Georgia. It is approximately a hour north of Atlanta and about 5 hours away from Savannah. Taking the 95 to Canton may not have been the fastest route, but if you are into scenic adventures it is a good route to take and especially if you are on a budget and trying to save your funds for the fun stuff because I can tell you that those tolls on the turnpike do add up.
While in Canton we were able to visit a few sites one of which was the Etowah River State Park. It is a very huge park with a river running through it, there is a play area for young children, restrooms, a place for hiking, as well as cycling, and grab your canoes you can also canoe on the river. The trail in the park starts at one open field and ends in another. In my video below you will get a glimpse into walking in the park.
After leaving Etowah River Park we went to downtown Canton, where we were able to see the Courthouse and other municipal buildings. It was on a Sunday that we toured so the area was quiet, a handful of people here and there. There is also a theater located in the downtown area that had a play showing that evening, they were also looking for talents so if you are ever in the area and looking for a job in acting this maybe your chance to get in the business.
In my next post I will talk about leaving Canton and going to Helen GA where the wedding took place. 🙂